Frequently asked questions:
From time to time we get some great questions about our affordable Eastern Washington Raw honey. Here are a few of them!
- Do you filter your honey?
-We run our honey through a 600 micron filter to catch any of the larger debris present from the extracting process. Pollen passes right through while large wax chunks and bee legs do not. Yes, a few curious workers meet their maker during the extraction process, but we like to filter those out.
- Do you heat your honey?
-We warm our honey as little as possible with an average temp around 95 degrees . The bees like to keep their space around 93 degrees so it’s perfectly normal. The maximum temperature our honey would ever reach is 110 degrees (for a brief time) during degranulation. If we didn’t warm the honey, we would not be able to bottle it. Raw honey, in our area, crystalizes. Like a rock. =)
What determines the color? Why is the honey so dark?
– Honey color is most significantly impacted by the nectar and pollen the bees are bringing in. Our honey is a blend from many different crops and wildflowers.
Dark, molasses-like honey can come from a number of different plants. The darker the honey, the more flavor and the more nutrients it contains. Honey can also darken with exposure to high heat and age. This is NOT the case with our honey as it is never been super-heated and is from the most recent crop.